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Twenty two steps to write killer content that converts

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task of writing highly-converting content that has a huge audience, it’s time to take a deep look at your strategy. Here are the five steps to writing killer content that converts.

Man writing a killer content

Here are the twenty two steps to writing killer content that converts:

1. Start with your audience, not with your product

The first step toward writing killer content that converts is to understand your target audience.

While you need to have a deep understanding of your audience and their pain points, you should also think about the kind of content your audience wants to read.

If your target audience is interested in information-based topics like health and finance, you need to write content that will help them find those answers.

However, if your audience looks for emotional, entertaining content that speaks to them on a personal level, you need to create content that speaks to their needs.

2. Know your audience’s intent

Once you know your audience, you’ll be able to hone in on their intentions.

It’s important to know what your audience wants. Otherwise, you’ll just be creating content that no one is interested in.

The content strategy can include writing for your audience and writing for your brand. That’s why it’s important to know what your audience wants from both.

3. Write for the reader

The second step toward writing killer content that converts is to write for the reader.

That means you should always be looking at the reader’s experience and making sure you’re not doing anything that will distract them.

4. Be clear and specific

Writing about a complex topic can be confusing. But it’s crucial that you be clear and specific when you’re writing about it.

Don’t leave the reader hanging. If you’re not sure how to write about a topic, ask a colleague or someone who has written about it before.

Also, be sure to use proper grammar and spelling. That’ll help the reader understand the content you’re writing. It’ll also help you avoid content blunders like the one my colleague wrote above.

5. Use strong verbs

Kids showing strong verbs

Strong verbs are essential for writing persuasive content. They help the reader understand the entire piece.

Here’s an example:

If you want to write stronger content, read this article I wrote about the importance of strong content.

These are some of the best verbs for writing persuasive content:

  1. Teach
  2. Tell
  3. Explain
  4. Reveal
  5. Clarify

These are some of the best words for writing persuasive copy.

6. Be concise

When writing persuasive content, it’s crucial that you be concise. If you’re still writing long sentences, it’s going to confuse your audience.

When you’re writing persuasive content, try to keep your sentences short, between eight and 12 words.

7. Keep your point on track

Writing persuasive content requires a clear point. The point should be clear in your summary, and it should be clear to the reader.

Here’s an example:

If you want to write persuasive content, read this article I wrote about the importance of being clear and concise.

This is an example of how to write persuasive content that will keep your audience engaged.

8. Be clear

Writing persuasive content requires you to be clear. So, make sure you’re writing in plain English.

You can use proper sentence structure to help you avoid content blunders. Make sure you’re writing clear and concise sentences.

9. Be relevant

This is a tricky step. Most people know what they want to get out of writing content. But some people know less.

For example, you may know that your audience is looking for information-based content, but they might not know that they’re looking for emotional content.

This is why it’s important to use relevant keywords. A relevant keyword is one that your audience is likely searching for, but you can’t use in your headline, article description or your title.

These are some of the best keywords for writing persuasive content:

  1. Information
  2. Emotional
  3. Inspirational
  4. Financial
  5. Marketing
  6. Conversion

These are some of the best words to use when writing persuasive content.

10. Make your copy interesting

Writing persuasive content requires you to make it interesting. That means you need to make your copy engaging.

11. Write for your audience

Writing persuasive content requires you to write for the reader.

You’ll need to make sure your content is engaging and that it’s clear and concise, so it’s entertaining.

Here’s a great example of how to write compelling copy that will engage your audience.

12. Create a clear call to action (CTA)

The call to action is the thing you need to add in your piece of content. That’s what your reader needs to do next. Make it clear and easy to understand.

13. Be visual

Writing persuasive content requires you to be visual.\xa0Make sure you use images, charts and graphs.

This will help your reader stay engaged. If they understand the information you’re trying to convey, they’ll be more likely to read the piece, and be more likely to convert.

14. Share your expertise

Writing persuasive content requires you to share your expertise.\xa0Make sure you explain what you know about the topic.

15. Write from a personal perspective

Writing persuasive content requires you to write from a personal perspective.\xa0That’s why you need to write in your own voice and from your own experiences.

Writing persuasive content is an art, but it’s also a science. So, make sure you’re following the rules of persuasive content writing.

16. Be specific

Writing persuasive content requires you to be specific.\xa0When you’re talking about a certain topic, you need to be specific.

You can use your target keyword in the body of your post, and in the meta description and the headline. You can also use specific words like “how,” “why,” “why not,” “what’s next,” etc.

17. Write in the present tense

Writing persuasive content requires you to write in the present tense. Not only is it easier to read, but also it’ll help your readers understand what you’re writing.

18. Use strong words

Writing persuasive content requires you to use strong words. Make sure you’re using words that are powerful and that will persuade your readers.

19. Write in first person

Another tricky step with writing persuasive content is that it requires you to write in the third person.

That’s not something you should do, but it can be hard to avoid. It can be confusing, and it can even cause your audience to get confused.

First person is the best option for writing persuasive content. So, make sure you use it!

20. Use an SEO friendly title

Engraved SEO

Your content should be able to stand on it’s own without having to use keywords. When writing your content, use SEO friendly titles.

21. Use a keyword in the headline

Your headline should be able to explain what your article will be about. When writing your headline, use one or more of the following keywords:

  • SEO
  • content marketing
  • persuasive marketing
  • content marketing strategy
  • content writing strategy
  • persuasive content writing strategy
  • content writing
  • content writing strategy

22. Add a resource link

When writing persuasive content, it’s important to add a link to a resource.

The easiest way to do this is with a resource link with your anchor text.

23. Link internally

The last thing you want to do with persuasive content is to link to your website. This will make you look spammy and will hurt your SEO.

However, if you do link to your website, make sure you link it internally. That means you won’t link to your website from your persuasive content.

Final thoughts

Now that you’ve learned how to write persuasive content, you should be able to write compelling content that will attract potential customers to your site.

If you keep these tips in mind, you will be on your way to becoming a successful content writer!

Do you have any tips for writing persuasive content? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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