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Adult keyword research for adult SEO

People were fascinated with sex and sexuality from the birth of human civilization. The figurine of Ain Sakhri Lovers is a figurine of a couple engaged in sexual activity dating to 9000 BCE, and you may be wondering what it got to do with adult keyword research, don’t worry, it will be clear soon.

In modern time sex is all around us, in commercials, politics, entertainment, and the Internet. It seems you need to take extra measures to avoid any adult content altogether.

If you are the owner of an adult site is it: Adult content, Adult merchandise, adult dating and other adults related content naturally you’d want to attract as many relevant visitors to your site.

magnifying glass looking at adult keyword research

One of the ways to attract more visitors with organic traffic is to rank high on relevant search phrases on the search engines.

SEO is the process of ranking high organically on the search engines, and then to do proper adult SEO, you need to conduct good keyword research, in our case adult keyword research.

How to conduct adult keyword research

There’s a difference between regular keyword research and adult keyword research, is that some of the free techniques available with regular keyword research.

Google related searches for adult keyword research

Google offers some suggested related searches for the seed keyword, searching for the keyword ‘SEO’ offers some suggestions on the bottom page.

Google SEO search results


But when we search for an adult phrase, for example, ‘dildo’, there are no suggestions.

Google dildo search

Google autocomplete for adult SEO

When entering the seed keyword, Google autocompletes with the most searched phrases. Furthermore, you can drill down even further with a more focused keyword.

For example, these are the options when searching for ‘SEO.’

Google SEO auto complete

When searching for ‘dildo’, all the options are not adult related.

Google dildo auto complete

If we try to be more focused and search for ‘anal dildo’ there are no autocomplete results.

Google anal dildo auto complete

Google keyword planner for adult keyword research

Google keyword planner (part of Google ads manager) offers a keyword research tool, and it does allow us to search for adult keywords, for example, if we search for ‘dildo’ on a worldwide audience.

Google dildo ads manager

As you can see it shows 166 out of 763 keywords (in September 2020), which is not a lot of options.

Furthermore, unless you have a paid account, the tool will only provide gross search volume estimates and not accurate results.

Google trends for adult SEO

Google trends show us search over time and related phrases for a specific keyword, searching for the keyword ‘dildo’ shows 25 results, not all are adult-oriented.

Google trends dildo

If we narrow it down to the keyword ‘anal dildo’ we get only eight related results

Google trends anal dildo

Google search console for adult keyword research

Google search console (or GSC) shows search statistics for your website, and it will show a list of keywords that your site was ranked on.

GSC allows to optimize content for keywords that aren’t ranked in the first page, or ranked on the bottom of the first page, for example:

  • Create new content around a keyword
  • Improve the page that is ranked for that keyword

Using 3rd party tools for adult SEO

There are many 3rd party tools, free and paid that offer keyword research, each tool with its pros and cons.

Using SEO Explorer for adult keyword research

The SEO Explorer keyword research tool allows doing adult keyword research (and regular keyword research).

Initial adult keyword research

In our keyword explorer tool, we will enter the keyword ‘dildo’, and get the following result.

SEO Explorer dildo for adult keyword research

As you can see, it offers 16,746 similar keywords, about 80% of them are long tail keywords, phrases with 3 keywords or more that have low search volume, but may also have low keyword difficulty.

Keyword drill down

In the same page (a little bit down) we can see “also ranking keywords” which is the extra keywords that the URLS ranked for ‘dildo’ are also ranked for.

SEO Explorer dildo more results

We can also see questions containing the term ‘dildo’, and if we optimize to it, we might be featured in a snippets question.

Filtering by search modifiers

Search intent and AIDA

In the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, there’s a scene that a senior representative comes and discusses selling to the salesmen. He speaks about the four stages for a buying funnel – AIDA:

  • Attention – The client becomes aware of the product
  • Interest – The client is interested in learning about the benefits of the product
  • Desire – The client wants the product
  • Action – The client is about to buy the product and looks for a deal

The closer the client is to the start of the funnel, the longer it will take to move the client to the purchasing phase.

That’s why in keyword research, you need to decide the phase you want to target, which also mean your messaging needs to be different for every phase.

Keywords modifiers for the action phrase can be: cheap, buy, coupon, discount, store.

Another factor can be search intent, you can read our blog post about search intent.

Filtering by action intent keywords

In the similar keywords screen, we can filter by modifiers, for example, when filtering by the keyword ‘buy’ we get 49 variations with the keyword ‘buy’ and ‘dildo’.

SEO Explorer dildo with buy modifier for adult keyword research

Filtering by a category

There are many modifiers keywords for the action phase, and we can also use a categorization engine to filter for keywords, for example, we can filter by the category ‘shopping.’

SEO Explorer dildo filtered by shopping classification

Or if we need a novel and original idea, we can cross filter it with a category that can give us a unique item to write about, for example, filter it with the category ‘models.’

SEO Explorer dildo filtered by model classification for adult keyword research


Adult SEO keyword research is different than regular SEO keyword research because some of the tools are not available to us, luckily you can use SEO Explorer keyword explorer tool to conduct your adult keyword research and improve your adult SEO process.

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2 years ago

Doesn’t work. I searched Hentai masturbator with 0 searches and no results. Total waste of time.

2 years ago

Product is very good. After trying many products of different brands, This one is the best! All of you can go ahead and buy without any doubt! The product is excellent.

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